how to stop hair fall immediately at home for male

If you’ve clicked on this article, you’re undoubtedly battling with hair loss, so stick with us. We will talk about how to stop hair fall immediately at home for male. Many men worldwide face hair loss, as it is considered attractive, good for health, and youthful. Hair loss is not always preventable and can be caused by heredity or the environment. Harsh chemicals disrupt the natural acid-alkaline balance.

Reasons of hair loss

Hair loss is a common issue for men, reasons varying from person to person. Hair grows and falls out naturally, but most people don’t notice daily hair loss. Excessive hair loss, caused by underlying conditions, can cause sudden hair loss, losing patches, and noticeable thinning. Symptoms include sudden hair loss, noticeable thinning, and hair loss on brushes, pillows, and shower drains.

Overexposure to heat

Daily use of heating equipment and hair dryers weaken hair protein and causes breakage, resulting in hair loss.

Excessive sweating 

Excessive sweating leads to hair loss because it weakens the hair roots. Try to use a mild shampoo that is low in ph.

Using harsh chemical products

Harsh chemicals disrupt the natural acid-alkaline balance. Choose items containing components such as amla, shikakai, reetha, neem, and sandalwood.


Stress is the main cause of hair loss and literally every other illness. The stress chemicals adrenaline and cortisol inhibit natural hair growth.

Poor nutrition

Poor nutrition weakens hair follicles, causing them to fall out. Eat foods and fruits that are rich in iron, like legumes, spinach, Broccoli, and fish, and consume nutrition that is rich in fatty acids, like salmon, flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and soy beans.

Avoid brushing wet hair.

It can weaken your hair follicles and thereby increase hair fall. As a result, it is preferable to avoid brushing wet hair. Untangling tangles with your fingers or a wooden comb is a better and more effective solution.

This is because a wooden comb is non-static and has wide-bristled bristles that glide smoothly through the hair, resulting in less breakage.

Keep yourself hydrated.

Your hair shaft contains one quarter of water. Drinking 5 to 8 glasses of water a day can help hair grow.

Massage your hair.

Gentle massage with coconut oil, olive oil, or mustard oil may reduce hair fall problems and stimulate hair growth. Certain essential oils applied to the scalp can stimulate hair growth.

Home Remedies

Since ancient times, home remedies such as Onion juice, aloe vera, fenugreek seeds, and others have been utilized for hair care.

Onion and Fenugreek seeds

Take one large onion and put it in a mixture to make a paste. After that, take a muslin cloth and squeeze onion juice into a bowl. Add a teaspoon of fenugreek seed powder and mix it well. Massage this mixture onto your scalp. Leave this juice for half an hour. After this, rinse it with a shampoo of your choice.

Aloe Vera gel and yogurt

Take organic Aloe Vera gel into a bowl and add two teaspoons of yogurt. Put this mixture on your hair roots and keep it there for 20 minutes. Then wash it off.

Coconut milk

Minerals, proteins, and vital fats are abundant in coconut milk. Take coconut milk and mildly warm it. Massage your scalp with coconut milk for 15 minutes. Due to this remedy, your hair will fall off.

Hair fall control using an egg mask

Take one egg, add a teaspoon of olive oil and honey, and mix it well. Apply this hair mask from roots to tips for 30 minutes. Rinse it with shampoo. You can apply his mask once a week.

Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

Take a teaspoon of Indian gooseberry powder and add this powder to coconut or olive oil. Mild boil.

Massage this on your scalp for 15 minutes. This will stop the hair from falling. That’s all about how to stop hair fall immediately at home for male.


How can I stop my Hair from falling immediately?

Avoid using harsh chemicals.

Avoid Brushing Wet hair.
Keep Your Scalp clean.

Avoid hot shower.

Avoid smoking.

Try scalp massage with coconut oil, olive oil, or essential oils.

What foods stop hair fall?

Foods that stop hair loss include carrots, spinach, leafy green vegetables, walnuts, eggs, and salmon.

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