Skin whitening cream at home

In this article we are going to talk about skin whitening cream at home.Commercial creams are known to include ingredients that harm our skin. There are several negative effects from the many commercial creams. Therefore, using natural home remedies to lighten our skin is better. Everyone strives for flawless skin. Because everyone has a different type of skin, please perform a patch test on your hand before using any of these remedies. Some ingredients have the potency to irritate and inflame the skin. So, guys, before using any of these remedies or creams, be sure to perform a patch test on your hand. I am going to share some of the best home remedies to whiten skin. So here you are. Let’s talk about home remedies.How to make Skin whitening cream at home?

Skin-whitening vitamin C cream

For this natural remedy, we need two steps. First is to make toner and then cornstarch cream. For this natural remedy, we need three ingredients. The first one is lemon. We are going to make toner with the help of lemon and funnel seeds. Lemon is the best ingredient to remove dark spots and freckles. Lemon contains vitamin C.

Take 7 to 8 lemons and peel them. Add this lemon peel to a pan. Add three to four spoons of fennel seeds and one glass of water. Simmer it for 10 to 15 minutes. After that turn off the flame. Let it become too cool. Strain it. Now your toner is ready. Use this toner on your face before applying the cream. This toner helps clean the skin deeply. So let’s talk about the cream.

How to make it?

Take 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. Add 7 to 8 teaspoons of water. It should be lump-free. Stir it for a while. When it’s become thick, turn the flame off. When it has cooled down. First, apply the toner to your clean face. When your face becomes dry, use cornstarch cream. Massage your face gently. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. For best results, use it regularly.

Let’s talk about the ingredients. Lemon peel contains vitamin C . Lemon lightens and eliminates brown and black spots on the face. Magnesium and copper, two nutrients that help prevent acne, are found in funnel seeds. This cream is beneficial for those individuals who have oily skin. By using this remedy, you can get rid of oil and particles that have accumulated in open pores. Furthermore, it will close the open pores. However, those with dry skin should mix it with almond or vitamin E oil.

Whitening cream made from rice

If you want crystal-clear skin, then this incredibly effective remedy is for you. You’ve come to the right place if you want to have sparkling skin like Japanese people. So let’s discuss the remedy. This is the best Skin whitening cream at home.

Add one glass of water and 5 to 6 teaspoons of rice. Because it has antioxidants and amino acids, rice rejuvenates the skin. Flax and rice seeds both have anti-wrinkle and anti-fine-line effects. It revitalizes and protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. It also brightens the skin. Rice will prevent premature ageing. Cook it over a medium-low flame. when it becomes completely cooked. Leave it at room temperature. to grind it when it goes on cool down. Pour this paste into a bowl using a muslin cloth. Add 4 to 5 teaspoons of flax seeds to another pan along with one glass of water. Cook the mixture until a thick gel forms. when the thick gel form is formed. Switch off the flame. It will take some time for it to get cool. Take a muslin cloth, add the mixture to it, and then strain the gel through the cloth. Now mix both the ingredients: rice paste and gel. Add one vitamin E capsule. vitamin E capsule, easily available on the market.

How to apply this cream?

Apply this to your face and neck. Massage it gently. Leave it for when it becomes dry. Then wash your face with plain water. Use polythene to cover your face for the greatest effects. It will remove dark skin around your lips and knuckles. In addition to treating wrinkles, this cream also helps with under-eye bags and dark circles.

Cream made from flax and fenugreek seeds

This cream lightens underarms and removes dark spots and acne scars. It also lightens the skin complexion. This scream is prepared with flax seed and fenugreek seeds. Take an equal amount of flax seed and fenugreek seeds, 3 teaspoons of each, in a pan and add one cup of water. Cook over medium-low heat until it reaches a thick consistency. When the thick consistency or gel forms, turn the flame off. Leave it at room temperature. When it becomes cool, strain it. Discard the seeds. You can massage your face with this paste every day. For the whitening cream, we need two more ingredients. Add a teaspoon of cornstarch and almond oil and mix all the ingredients. The whitening cream has been prepared. You can apply this screen on a clean face. use it on a regular basis. You will soon notice the results. Believe me, this is the best cream; just try it once. It will give you a beautiful glow on your skin and remove dead cells from your skin.

Turmeric Whitening Cream

The best instant whitening cream for everyone is made with corn starch, turmeric, and almond oil. This combination will give you a brighter complexion on your skin. Turmeric is very useful for removing acne, dull skin, and fine lines and wrinkles. Add a half teaspoon of turmeric to a cup of water and add a teaspoon of corn starch. Mix it well.

Take a pan, add the mixture to it, and simmer the mixture there for 8 to 10 minutes on a low to medium heat. Switch off the flame as it becomes thick. Add a teaspoon each of almond oil and yogurt once it has cooled. After a facial cleansing, use this cream and let it remain for 10 to 15 minutes. With plain water, rinse it off. Blemishes and dark circles will be eliminated by this cream.

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